H descriptor

英 [eɪtʃ dɪˈskrɪptə(r)] 美 [eɪtʃ dɪˈskrɪptər]




  1. Quadratic Stability and Control for Large-scale Interconnected Time-delay Descriptor Systems with Nonlinear Perturbations
  2. Robust H_ ∞ Control for Fuzzy Descriptor Systems with Time-Varying Delay and Parameter Uncertainties
  3. Robust H_ ∞ control for uncertain descriptor linear systems with time delay via memory state feedback
  4. Decentralized H-infinity control for multi-channel uncertain descriptor systems with time-delay
  5. Delay-dependent reliable H_ ∞ control for fuzzy descriptor large-scale systems
  6. To aimed at the uncertain time-variant parameters and their derivative belonging to the convex bounded domains ( polytope-type uncertainty), A new approach to investigate robust H_ ∞ performance of time-variant affine descriptor systems is presented.
  7. Secondly, order-reduced H_ ∞ control for uncertain descriptor systems is studied.
  8. The problem of design of standard H 2 optimal controller for continous time descriptor systems is studied.
  9. The problems of robust stability, robust stabilization and robust H_ ∞ control for T-S fuzzy descriptor system with uncertain parameters are studied.
  10. Extended H_ ∞ Control of Descriptor Systems
  11. Due to the designed H-infinity reliable controllers, the resulting closed-loop descriptor systems are admissible and have H-infinity performance.
  12. Firstly, based on strict linear matrix inequalities, a suffcient condition for H ∞ control of uncertain descriptor systems is proposed to design the state feedback H ∞ control law.
  13. Robust H_2 Control for Uncertain Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems
  14. This paper mainly deals with H_ ∞ control for linear time-invariant ( LTI) system, order-reduced H_ ∞ control for uncertain descriptor systems, and model reduction of descriptor systems.
  15. This paper considers the design problem of static output feedback H ∞ controllers for descriptor linear systems with linear matrix inequality ( LMI) approach.
  16. H_ ∞ analysis for descriptor discrete systems with multi-time delay
  17. Decentralized Robust H_ ∞ Descriptor Output Feedback Control for Singular Large-scale Systems with Uncertain Value Bound
  18. The problem of mixed H 2/ H ∞ state feedback optimal control for linear descriptor systems is studied.
  19. Utilizing the method, the sufficient condition that the time-variant descriptor systems have robust H_ ∞ performance γ is obtained by linear matrix inequalities ( LMIs) which contain additional free parameters. Simultaneously, the algorithm of optimal H_ ∞ performance is too obtained.
  20. Using the matrix inequality approach, we obtain an equivalent condition for the uncertain linear descriptor systems to be regular, stable and impulse-free as well as the transfer function satisfying a prescribed H ∞-norm bound.
  21. First, a decentralized controller for the nominal descriptor system was computed by imposing block-diagonal constraints on the coefficient matrices of the controller gradually.
  22. Decentralized robust H_ ∞ descriptor output feedback control for singular large-scale systems with uncertain value bound is studied by matrix inequality approach.
  23. By using a descriptor model transformation of the system and Moon's inequality for bounding cross terms, a new delay-dependent sufficient condition for the existence of a memoryless H-∞ state feedback controller was derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities.
  24. This thesis studies the problems of the H_ ∞ reduced-order controllers for descriptor systems and H_ ∞ control for rectangular descriptor systems. Some new design techniques are proposed.
  25. This section presents H ∞ admissibility conditions of a class of discrete-time descriptor systems with external disturbances and constant delays, which provides the theoretical foundation for the restraint on external disturbances in economics and management systems. 3.
  26. On the one hand, this part generalizes the H_ ∞ control theory for square descriptor systems to rectangular systems, and provides a sufficient condition of H_ ∞ controller for rectangular descriptor systems based on algebraic Riccati inequality.
  27. In the practical economics and management systems, the admissibility of the considered systems are judged by the obtained admissibility conditions. 2. H ∞ admissibility conditions of descriptor dynamic input-output models with external disturbance and delays are given.
  28. The main contents in the thesis are as follows: 1. The H_ ∞ reduced-order controller design for general square descriptor systems is studied, and two methods are present.
  29. This method is shown to be effective by numerical examples. 2. The H_ ∞ control for rectangular descriptor systems is studied.
  30. The problem of stabilization and H ∞ control of rectangular descriptor systems by dynamic compensation is studied.